Vision, Mission, and Values

The MJRWS have developed or Vision, Mission, and Value statements that will guide our organization.

Our VISION is to have an engaged and educated community that works together to guarantee that future generations experience a healthy and vibrant watershed.

Our MISSION is to develop and implement projects and partnerships that improve the well-being of our watershed.

The VALUES the Moose Jaw River Watershed Stewards believe in and uphold are:

  1. Education and Engagement: We want to spark an interest in the environment in our young residents and create a generation of environmental caretakers. We believe that educating and engaging the public is of utmost importance. We aim to connect with the young and old to educate them on current and future issues, the ecosystems around them, and the components of the watershed.
  2. Partnerships: We will bring together the voices of a diverse group of people and create meaningful relationships with those around us.
  3. Conservation and Sustainability: We will ensure that the watershed resources are used in a manner that will guarantee their existence for future social, economic, environmental, and cultural needs.
  4. Protectors: We will act as the caretaker and voice of the Moose Jaw River Watershed. We will advocate for the needs of all elements of the landscape, including industry, agricultural producers, landowners, residents, indigenous peoples, animals, plants, and water.
  5. Respectful: We recognize that the Moose Jaw River Watershed resources are not ours to take without care. We respect the animals, plants, and water that are in our borders and understand that, like us, they have needs that must be fulfilled.
  6. Neutral: We are a nonpartisan entity that works for the watershed and the people who are it.